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“TYPE & MORE”   

Branding // Web Prototyping // UX/UI // Pitch Deck Design // Information Design // Custom Lettering // Typography // Sustainable Design

Lettering & Logotypes

A fresh, new look washes over the stationery of nickdinallodesign.

Elite Detail Studio, a premium auto detailing studio contracts a custom logotype.   

Serving Greater Philadelphia since 1987, Chubby’s Cheesesteaks gets a rebranded logomark. (Concept)

All Shade, a startup eyewear company requires a logo that represents their bold, tropic style.

Design Solutions

Information design should be fun! Check out how data can be turned into art with this thoughtfully curated chord diagram.

The Score, the Grammy winning album by Fugees gets a face lift, fully equipped with a custom set of type and type-based brick texture.


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Poke around my Instagram account, too.
It’s a fun, different body of work based around Typography!

And don’t forget to add me on LinkedIn!

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©2022 nickdinallodesign. All rights reserved.



“May it be argued that the single largest issue that threatens us at a global level could be our interest, or lack thereof; as well our participation in both driving towards and maintaining a sustainable future. We must actively engage in acknowledging the environmental practices of life’s commodities that influence us on a daily basis. Sustainability, and innovation in its regard, will shape our future. However, without being conscious of sustainability at every step of the design process we just may not uphold a future to sustain.”

–Nicholas S. DiNallo

LUX Service Company:
Branding, Typography, Logo Design

Branding, Pitch Deck Design, Info. Design, Custom Lettering, Logo Design

Branding, Web Prototyping, UX/UI, Custom Lettering, Typography, Web3/DeFi, Logo Design 

Branding, UX, Typography, Sustainability, Logo Design

Branding, Web Design, UX/UI, Typography, Sustainability, Booklet Design, Logo Design

Branding, Typography, Booklet Design, Logo Design


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Get in touch by tapping on the envelope icon.

Check out my AngelList profile too!
You’ll get a look at some of my other skills & achievements.

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©2022 nickdinallodesign. All rights reserved.